Cancellation Letters

How To Write Cancellation Letter? Cancellation Letter
Written by Markbuz

How To Write Cancellation Letter? is a popular platform that allows users to book accommodations worldwide. However, there are instances when plans change, and a cancellation becomes necessary. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of writing a cancellation letter. With our step-by-step instructions, you can effectively communicate your cancellation request while maintaining a friendly tone. Just in case if you want to write cancellation letter direct to hotel then checkout our hotel booking cancellation letter.

When it comes to travel plans, flexibility is key. However, there may be times when you need to cancel reservation on In such situations, it is essential to understand the cancellation policy and know how to write a cancellation letter effectively. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of writing a cancellation letter, providing you with all the necessary details along the way. So, let’s dive in and ensure you are well-equipped to any cancellation situation! Cancellation Letter Cancellation Policy Details

Before we delve into the art of writing a cancellation letter, let’s take a moment to familiarize ourselves with the key details of the cancellation policy. By understanding the policy, you can ensure you are acting in accordance with the terms set forth by, thus increasing your chances of a successful cancellation. Here are the important aspects of the cancellation policy:

  1. Cancellation Timeframe

Each reservation on comes with a specific cancellation timeframe. This refers to the period within which you can cancel your booking without incurring any charges. It is imperative to be aware of this timeframe to avoid any unnecessary fees. Make sure to check the reservation details for the exact cancellation deadline.

  1. Cancellation Fees

In some cases, if you cancel your reservation after the designated cancellation timeframe, you may be liable for cancellation fees. These fees vary depending on the specific booking and can range from a percentage of the total cost to the full booking amount. It is crucial to carefully review the cancellation policy of your particular reservation to understand the potential fees involved.

  1. Refund Process

If you are eligible for a refund after canceling your booking on, it is essential to understand the refund process. The timing and method of the refund may vary depending on the property and the payment method used during the booking. Familiarize yourself with the refund policy of your booking to ensure a smooth refund process.

  1. Communication Channels

To initiate the cancellation process, you will need to communicate with and the property directly. provides various communication channels, such as their website, mobile app, or customer service hotline, to assist you with cancellations. It is advisable to use the most convenient channel and follow the instructions provided to cancel your reservation effectively. If you have booked car services too then checkout our car booking cancellation letter.

Things to Keep in Mind while Writing Cancellation Letter

Here are some important points to consider when drafting your cancellation letter:

1. Clear and Concise Communication

  • Clearly state your intention to cancel the booking right at the beginning of the letter.
  • Provide all the necessary details such as booking reference number, dates of the reservation, and the name of the accommodation.
  • Use simple and straightforward language to avoid ambiguity.


I’m writing to request the cancellation of my booking with My booking reference number is [reference number] for the dates [dates]. I had made a reservation at [accommodation name].”

2. Reason for Cancellation

  • Briefly explain the reason for your cancellation.
  • Be honest and provide valid reasons such as sudden change in plans, unforeseen circumstances, or any other genuine reason.
  • Avoid being overly detailed or emotional.

“Due to unexpected personal circumstances, I am unable to proceed with my travel plans. Unfortunately, I have to cancel my reservation with [accommodation name].”

3. Polite and Friendly Tone

  • Maintain a friendly tone throughout the letter.
  • Express your gratitude for their understanding and cooperation.
  • Avoid using demanding or aggressive language.

“I greatly appreciate your assistance and understanding in this matter. I hope you can accommodate my cancellation request.”

4. Request for Confirmation

  • Clearly request confirmation of the cancellation from
  • Ask for a refund, if applicable, or any other necessary information regarding the cancellation process.
  • Provide your contact information for any further communication.

“I kindly request a confirmation email regarding the cancellation of my booking. If there are any additional actions required from my end, please let me know. You can reach me at [email address] or [phone number].”

5. Follow-Up

  • If you do not receive a response within a reasonable time frame, consider following up.
  • Remain patient and polite in your follow-up communication.
  • Use the provided contact information for your follow-up.

“If I do not receive a response within the next few days, I will follow up with a phone call to ensure that my cancellation is being processed correctly.”

Cancellation Letter Format

Here are some professional and effective Car Booking Cancellation Formats:


[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to formally request the cancellation of my booking made
through for reservation number [Reservation Number].
After careful consideration, I regret to inform you that unforeseen
circumstances have arisen, necessitating the cancellation of my travel plans.

Booking Details:

Booking Reference Number: [Booking Reference Number]
Name on Booking: [Your Name]
Check-In Date: [Check-In Date]
Check-Out Date: [Check-Out Date]

I understand that according to the terms and conditions of the booking,
there may be applicable cancellation fees. I kindly request that you
provide me with information regarding any cancellation charges that may
apply in this case.

Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could confirm the cancellation
of my reservation via email at your earliest convenience. Furthermore, I
kindly request that any refund due to me be processed promptly according
to your company's refund policy.

Please find attached a copy of my booking confirmation for your reference.
I apologize for any inconvenience this cancellation may cause and appreciate
your understanding in this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this request. Should you require any further
information or documentation, please do not hesitate to contact me.

[Your Name]



[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Your Email Address]
[Your Phone Number]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing to request the cancellation of my reservation ID:
[Reservation ID] made through your platform for [Hotel/Accommodation Name],
scheduled for [Dates of Reservation].

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I am unable to proceed with my travel
plans and must cancel this booking.

I kindly request your prompt assistance in processing the cancellation
and providing any relevant confirmation details.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

[Your Name]

Writing an Effective Cancellation Letter

Now that you are well-versed in the crucial details of the cancellation policy, let’s discuss how to write an effective cancellation letter. Writing a clear and concise letter can help expedite the cancellation process, ensuring a seamless experience for both you and the property. Here are some key steps to follow:

  • Start with a Polite Greeting

Begin your cancellation letter with a polite and friendly greeting. Address the letter to the property manager or the customer service team, depending on the instructions provided in the cancellation policy. A warm and courteous greeting sets a positive tone for the rest of your letter.

  • Provide Booking Details

In the first paragraph, include the essential details of your reservation, such as the booking reference number, the dates of the stay, and the name of the property. This information helps the recipient locate your booking promptly and process the cancellation efficiently.

  • State Your Intention to Cancel

In the main body of the letter, clearly state your intention to cancel the reservation. Be straightforward and concise while conveying your decision. You can explain the reason for cancellation briefly if you feel it is necessary, but avoid going into excessive detail.

  • Request Confirmation and Refund

Politely request confirmation of the cancellation and inquire about the refund process. Mention that you would appreciate receiving a refund within the stipulated timeframe, as per the cancellation policy. This reinforces the importance of adhering to the policy while maintaining a friendly tone.

  • Express Gratitude and Wrap Up

In the closing paragraph, express your gratitude for the assistance and understanding. Thank the property or the team for their cooperation and reiterate your hope for a smooth cancellation process. End the letter with a friendly closing, such as “Best regards” or “Sincerely”. Cancellation Letter



Canceling a reservation on may seem daunting, but armed with the knowledge of the cancellation policy and the ability to write an effective cancellation letter, you can navigate the process with ease. Remember to be polite, provide necessary details, and clearly state your intention to cancel. By following these steps, you can minimize any potential complications and ensure a positive experience even in a cancellation situation. Checkout our general booking cancellation letter for more.

“Flexibility is key when it comes to travel plans. By understanding the cancellation policy and mastering the art of writing a cancellation letter, you can maintain control over your reservations. Stay informed and be prepared for any changes that may come your way. Safe travels!”

About the author


Hello! I am a Passionate Digital Marketer on a Mission to Redefine the Rules of Engagement in the Virtual world. With a Blend of Creativity, Strategy, and Data-Driven Insights.

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